I know once you come to California You will never ...
I know once you come to California
You will never look back
Tell me your lies
Because I just can't face it
Just come and get it, let them say what they say
Cause I'm about to put them all away
And you're here in my heart and
My heart will go on and on
You took my heart and my keys and my patience
You took my heart on my sleeve for decoration
How deep is your love?
Is it like the ocean?
Baby they ain't got a clue
Can't love me like you
Jedno wiem, gdy robię wszystkim wbrew,
Że po to są marzenia.
Time has come to say goodbye
I know it's gonna make you cry
You were the shadow to my light
Did you feel us?
Strip - tease jest to lekcja anatomii przy akompaniamencie muzyki.