If the heavens ever did speak She is the last ...
If the heavens ever did speak
She is the last true mouthpiece
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me
I was told when I get older all my fears would shrink,
But now I'm insecure and I care what people think.
Wish we could turn back time, to the good ol' days,
When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out.
Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world
Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love
Mark my words
This love will make you levitate
Nie umiem cię pocieszyć kiedy patrzysz w przeszłość,
ale mogę wziąć dobre wino i pójść z tobą tańczyć w deszczu.
Anywhere, I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you
I don't wanna do this anymore, it's so surreal
I can't survive if this is all that's real
Cause space is just a word made up by someone who's afraid to get close