I'm loving the colorway Surrounding your colored eyes
I'm loving the colorway
Surrounding your colored eyes
It's wilder than the ocean, higher than the mountain.
My momma told me,
Go make yourself some friends,
Or you'll be lonely
And she won’t apologize
For the cheating and the lies
Turn your magic on, To me she’d say
Everything you want’s a dream away
Cisza rośnie dzień po dniu
Gaśnie ogień naszych słów
I don’t recall a single word, you hit me faster than I hurt
Broke my trust and watched me bleed,
Ignored my pleas and squashed my dreams.
All of the doubts and the outbursts keep making love to each other
And I'm trying
Just come and get it, let them say what they say
Cause I'm about to put them all away
Sił mi brak, żeby szczerze powiedzieć:
„Tę wojnę wygra tylko jeden”.