I got it from my daddy I feel nice you ...
I got it from my daddy
I feel nice you look nice
I’m so grateful for the beauty and joy life has given me
I hope I have given too...
Muzyka rockowa dostając się w źle uszy mogła by się stać inspiracja zbrodni
Dark times, you could always find the bright side
I'm amazed by the things that you would sacrifice
Anywhere, I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you
Cały ten świat, opada z sił, kiedy się kończy miłość.
And now I don't understand it
You don't mess with love, you mess with the truth
If the heavens ever did speak
She is the last true mouthpiece
Ślepemu wzrok, głuchemu dźwięk, zmarłemu życia dar.
Chromemu krok, niememu pieśń, przynosi Chrystus Pan!
Cause all of me
Loves all of you
My spirit's sleeping some where cold
Until you find it there and lead it back home