How deep is your love? Is it like the ocean?
How deep is your love?
Is it like the ocean?
Muzyka rockowa dostając się w źle uszy mogła by się stać inspiracja zbrodni
I'm never alone, I look at my phone
If I call you up, you're never at home
And I tried to buy your pretty heart, but the price too high
Baby you got me like "Oh"
Shin' bright like a diamond
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky
As long as you’re mine
I want your love
Sił mi brak, żeby szczerze powiedzieć:
„Tę wojnę wygra tylko jeden”.
Cisza rośnie dzień po dniu
Gaśnie ogień naszych słów
Let's put it into motion
I'mma give you a promotion
Cause you walked out and left me stranded
Nothing left but picture frames
It was dark and I was over
Until you kissed my lips and you saved me