Jeśli na tym świecie jest miłość, to nie ma żadnych ...
Jeśli na tym świecie jest miłość, to nie ma żadnych przeszkód, których nie da się pokonać. -Avicii
Know it's late but I'm so wired
Saw your face and got inspired
Times that I've seen you lose your way
You're not in control and you won't be told
I don't need nobody but you
Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world
Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love
Turn my side
Do you feel my heat
On your skin
I know I'm not the only one
Who regrets the things they've done
Czas, czas, nasz największy wróg,
Tęsknot puls i krew.
Why'd you have to go and make me like you?
Yea this is a feeling I'm not used to
Day after day, I will walk and I will play
But the day after today, I will stop and I will start
If you want, we can be runaways
Running from any site of love