I can't forget all the things we did Some things ...
I can't forget all the things we did
Some things last a long time
Nasza muzyka jest zdolna wywołać chwiejność emocjonalną, zachowanie patologiczne, a nawet bunt i rewolucję.
She makes you feel the most, keep your souls alive
But what we had, it never really died
I jeszcze znajdę więcej sił
Będę walczył, będę kochał
Będę się o ciebie bił
I'm never alone, I look at my phone
If I call you up, you're never at home
I just wanna love you
I just wanna hold you close
And can't tell you why
Because my brain can't equait it
Strip - tease jest to lekcja anatomii przy akompaniamencie muzyki.
Why'd you have to go and make me like you?
Yea this is a feeling I'm not used to
I’m so grateful for the beauty and joy life has given me
I hope I have given too...
Dark times, you could always find the bright side
I'm amazed by the things that you would sacrifice